Books & Websites
Here are some books, web sites and other resources that you can use to learn more about the amazing coastal marine wildlife that share our New England shorelines.
Quick links to the areas of interest listed below:
Agencies and Organizations
Wildlife Viewing
Basking Sharks & General Shark Information
Books for Young Readers
- Basking Sharks, Sharks Set II by Adam G. Klein
ABDO Publishing Company 2006
- Do Sharks Ever? by Nathalie Ward
Down East Books 1999
- Sea Creatures, My First Pocket Guide
National Geographic Society 1996
- Sharks: Menacing or Misunderstood by Heather Dakota
Scholastic 2007
- Sharks, Our Wild World Series
by Laura Evert
NorthWood 2001
- Shark Attack Almanac Kidbacks by Beth Pickett Appropriate for grades 4 – 7
Books for Adults
- The Shark Almanac
by Thomas B. Allen
The Lyons Press 2003, 274 pp.
- Sharks
by John D. Stevens
Checkmark Books 1999, 240 pp.
- Sharks: History and Biology of the Lords of the Sea by Angelo Mojetta
Thunderbay Press 1997, 168 pp.
Papers for Adults
- Sims, David W., Emily J. Southall, Victoria A. Quayle and Adrian M. Fox 2000
Annual social behaviour of basking sharks associated with coastal front areas
Proc. R. Soc. London B. 267:1897-1980
- Skomal, Gregory B., Grayson Wood and Nick Caloyianis 2004
Archival tagging of a basking shark, Cetorhinus maximus, in the western North Atlantic J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 84, 795-799
Field Guides
- A Field Guide to North Atlantic Wildlife
Marine Mammals, Seabirds, Fish and Other Sea Life
by Noble W. Proctor and Patrick J. Lynch
Yale University 2005
Ocean Sunfish
General Information
- Swimming Heads by Tierney Thys
Natural History, August 1994, pp. 36-38
- Queerest Fish in the Sea? The Massive Mola
by John L. Eliot
National Geographic, December 1994
- Diel movement patterns of ocean sunfish Mola mola off southern California
by Daniel P. Cartamil, DP, Christopher G. Lowe
Marine Ecology Progress Series [Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.]
Vol. 266, pp. 245-253, 30 Jan. 2004
The paper is available here as a pdf.
Reference Books and Field Guides
- Field Book of Giant Fishes
by Norman J. R. and F. C. Fraser,G. P. Putnam and Sons, New York, NY 1949
Bigelow and Schroeder's Fishes of the Gulf of Maine
Edited by Brice B. Collette and Grace K. MacPhee
Third Ed. Smithsonian Institution, 2002
Books for Adults
- A Guide to Marine Coastal Plankton and Marine Invertebrate Larvae by Deboyd L. Smith, Kevin B. Johnson Kendall
Hunt Publishing Company 1996
- Coastal Marine Zooplankton. A Practical Manual for Students by Christopher D. Todd, M.S. Laverack and Geoff Boxshall
Second Ed.
- Methods in Marine Zooplankton Ecology by Makoto Omori and Tsutomu Ikeda
Willey, New York 1984
- Zooplankton of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts: A Guide to Their Identification and Ecology by William S. Johnson, Dennis M. Allen and Marni Fylling
- Zooplankton Methodology Manual
edited by Roger P. Harris, Peter H. Wiebe, Jurgen Lenz, Hein-Rune Skjoldal and Mark Huntley
Field Guides
Educational Resources
River Herring
Articles and Online Articles
- Birds in Massachusetts: Where and When to Find Them by Bailey, Wallace
The College Press South Lancaster 1955
- Birding Nantucket by Blackshaw, Kenneth T. and Andrews, Edith F.
Nantucket 1999
- Birding Cape Cod by Flock, Gretchen and Hecker, Ann P., editors
Massachusetts Audubon Society Wellfleet 1994
- Birds of Massachusetts by Petersen, Wayne R.; Veit, Richard R.
Massachusetts Audubon Society 1993
- Seabirds, an identification guide by Peter Harrison
Houghton Mifflin Company 1983, 448 pp.
- Bird Finding in New England by Walton, Richard K. and David R.
Godine Publishing, Inc. Boston 1988
- Seabirds, a natural history by Gaston, Tony
Gardners Books 2004
- Seabirds of Andrew's Point, Rockport, Massachusetts by Heil, Richard S.
Bird Observer Vol. 29, No. 5, 2001
Website Links
Books for Young Readers
- Baby Animals, Seals by Kate Petty
Gloucester Press, New York 1990
- A First Look at Seals, Sea Lions, and Walruses by Millicent E. Selsam and Joyce Hunt
Walker and Company, New York 1988
- A Harbor Seal Pup Grows Up Baby Animals by Joan Hewett, Author and Richard Hewett, Illustrator
Paperback, Carolrhoda Books 2002
- A Gray seal Pup Grows Up Baby Animals by Joan Hewett, Author and Richard Hewett, Illustrator
Paperback, Carolrhoda Books 2002
- Animal Close-ups - The Seal, Furry Swimmer by Joelle Soler
Watertown, Massachusetts, Charlesbirdge 1990
- Seals Our Wild Worldby Wayne Lynch, John F. McGee
- The Pinnipeds: Seals, Sea Lions, and Walruses by Marianne Riedman
University of California Press 1990
- ZooBooks 2: Seals, Sea Lions and Walruses by John Bonnett WexoSan Diego: Wildlife Education, Ltd., 1985
Field Guides
- A Field Guide to the Whales, Porpoises and Seals of the Gulf of
Maine and Eastern Canada: Cape Cod to Newfoundland by Steven K. Katona, David T. Richardson, Valerie Rough
Smithsonian Institution Press 1977
- Seals of Atlantic Canada and the Northeastern United States by Janice Hannah, Illustrations by Pieter Folkens
International Marine Mammal Association Incorporated 1998, 2000
Seashells - Molluscs
- Seashells of North America: A Guide to Field Identification by R. Tucker Abbott
Golden Press, New York, 1968
- The American Museum of Natural History Guide to Shells by William K. Emerson and Morris K. Jacobson
Alfred A.Knopf, New York, 1976
- Shells of the New York City Area by Morris K. Jacobson and
William K. Emerson
Argonaut Books, Inc., Larchmont, New York, 1961
reprinted by Dover Publications as Seashells From Cape Cod to Cape
- Seashells of Long Island, New York: A Guide to their
Identfication and Local Status by Long Island Shell Club
The Long Island Shell Club, Inc., New York, 1988
- A Field Guide to the Shells of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts and
the West Indies - 3rd edition by Percy Morris
Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1973
the most inclusive and best edited edition of this work, now in its
fifth edition
Sea Turtles
- Sea Turtles: A Complete Guide to Their Biology, Behavior, and
Conservation by James R. Spotila
Johns Hopkins University Press 2004
- Sea Turtles: An Ecological Guide by David Gulko and Karen Eckert
Mutual Pub Co. 2004
- Sea Turtle: So Excellent a Fish by Archie Carr
University of Texas Press 1986
- The Biology of Sea Turtles Marine Science Series by Peter L. Lutz and John A. Musick, Editors
CRC Press 1996
- Turtle Conservation by Michael W. Klemens, Editor, Nat B. Frazer
Smithsonian Institution Press 2000
Books for Young Readers
- The Whale's Song by Dyan Sheldon
Red Fox Picture Books 1990
- Ibis - A True Whale Story by John Himmelman
Scholastic, Inc. 1990
- Discovering Whales of the East Coast by Stephen Mullane
Elan Publishing, Inc. 2004
- Fact Finder Whales by Dr. Anthony Martin
Crescent Books, New York 1990
- Humphrey, the Lost Whale by Wendy Tokuda and Richard Hall
Heian Int'l. 1986
- Seasons of the Whales by Erich Hoyt
Chelsea Green Publishing Company 1990
- "Whales" Our Wild World Series by Patricia Corrigan
NorthWood Press 2001
- Whale and Dolphin Coloring Book by John Green
Dover Publications, Inc. NY. 1990
- "Whales" ZooBook Wildlife Education, Inc.
Whales for Kids by Tom Wolpert
Wildlife for Kids Series, NorthWord Press 2000
- Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises by Mark Carwardine
Eyewitness Books, Dorling Kindersley, London 1995
- Whales, Dolphins and Sharks Stickers and Seals by Lisa Bonforte
Dover Publications 1988
Books for Adults
- The World's Whales by Ken Balcomb and S. Minasian
Smithsonian Books, W. W. Norton, New York, 1984
- Seasons of the Whales by Erich Hoyt
Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 1990
- Wings in the Sea, the Humpback Whale by Lois King Winn and Howard E. Winn
University Press of New England, Hanover, NH. 1985
- Porpoises by Andrew Read
World Life Library 1999, 72 pp.
Audio Recordings
Whale-listening listen to sample tracks or purchase humpback
sounds recorded off the Caribbean Island of Tortola by Paul Knapp
CDs include "Rapture of the Deep" and "One and mostly one humpback
Field Guides
- A Field Guide to the Whales, Porpoises and Seals of the Gulf of
Maine and Eastern Canada: Cape Cod to Newfoundland by Steven K. Katona, David T. Richardson, Valerie Rough
Smithsonian Institution Press 1977A Field Guide to North Atlantic
- Marine Mammals, Seabirds, Fish and Other Sea Life by Noble W. Proctor and Patrick J. Lynch
Yale University 2005
- The Sierra Club Handbook of Whales and Dolphins by S.L. Leatherwood and R.R. Reeves
- Sierra Club Books, San Francisco 1983Guide to Marine Mammals and
Turtles of the U.S. Atlantic & Gulf of Mexico by Kate Wynne and Malia Schwartz, Illustrated by Garth Mix
Rhode Island Sea Grant 1999, 115 pp.
- Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises Eyewitness Handbooks by Mark Carwardine, Illustrated by Martin Camm
DK Publishing Book 1995, 256 pp.
- Stellwagen Bank: A guide to the Whales, Sea Birds, and Marine
Life of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary by Natalie Ward
Down East Books 1995, 232 pp.
Conservation & Environmental Organizations
General Education Material
- Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks
Mass. Department of Education
Science and Technology/Engineering for all grade levels May 2001
Revised High School Standards for Science and
Technology/Engineering, January 2006
- Educational Coloring Books
The Marine Biology Coloring Book, Second Edition by Thomas M. Niesen
Harper Resource 2000
- Educational Books for Elementary and Middle School Level
Seaside Naturalist: A Guide to Study at the Seashore by Deborah A. Coulombe 1990
- Marine Biology by Ellen Doris
Thames and Hudson, Inc. 1993 64 pp.
Please check for web sites under
Conservation and Environmental Organizations,
International Regulatory Agencies and US Government
International Regulatory Agencies
US Government Organizations
Marine Wildlife Viewing
Boston Harbor Cruises Whale Watch, Boston
- Capt.
Bill & Sons Whale Watch, Gloucester
Captain Blair Perkins, Shearwater Excursions, Nantucket
Plymouth Whale Watching, Plymouth
Dolphin Fleet Whale Watch, Provincetown
- Hyannis Whale
Watcher Cruises, Barnstable
New England Aquarium's Whale Watch, Boston
Newburyport Whale Watch, Newburyport
Portuguese Princess Excursions, Provincetown
- Seven
Seas Whale Watch, Gloucester
- Yankee
Whale Watching, Gloucester
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York