Pack of 4 "Seasons Greeting" holiday cards with envelopes designed by local Graphic Designer Helen Grainger. Each card is 5" by 7".
The text on the front of this card says "Seasons Greeting." The drawing is a rescuer dressed as Santa kayaking a live Ocean Sunfish that is in a holiday wreath. The inside of the card is blank so you can personalize your holiday message.
The inside of the card is blank so you can write in a personalized message.
Each purchase of this holiday card 4-pack goes to support NECWA's rescue and research efforts focused on the Ocean Sunfish, the heaviest bony fish that feeds off the shores of New England in the spring and summer. Each fall and early winter, some individual sunfish get trapped inside the hook of Cape Cod and strand, alive and dead, along our shores. NECWA is the only organization that rescues live Ocean Sunfish and necropsies carcasses. When rescuing live animals, NECWA catches the fish in shallow water and maneuvers it into a modified rescue ring (simply a hula hoop with noodles). Now the rescuers kayaks the fish to deeper water or to NECWA's small rescue boat for release.